I’ve Returned All Official Cars, Says Ex- FCT Minister





Dr. Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu, the Federal Capital Territory's (FCT) most recent minister of state, stated that all of the official vehicles she had with her had been returned to the government fleet.


She claimed that the clarification was required in light of the rumor that she had withheld the official cars that had been given to her by the FCT AAdministration while she was in office.


She said that certain media reports were written with the intention of defaming her politically and undermining her reputation.


The former minister disclosed that she has since given over all the vehicles she had in her possession to Life-camp, which serves as the Minister of FCT's official residency area.


Aliyu claimed to have proof that every vehicle had been delivered to the proper location in a statement she personally released yesterday.


She characterized the reports as unfounded, inaccurate, and the product of the writers' imagination, plotting to destroy the goodwill she had worked so hard to establish over the years.


The statement reads as follows, “There are misleading reports in the media pointing at official vehicles assigned to me by the Federal Capital Territory Administration during my days as the minister of state for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), which the public must know the truth, not the fiction.


“All the vehicles that were assigned to me are no longer in my custody, I have since returned them in good condition to the official residence of the minister of the FCT in Life Camp, anyone who doubts should go there and verify, as well reach out to the FCT Administration for more clarifications.


“I am miffed by the unfounded reports apparently sponsored by weak minded individuals to undermine my hard earned academic, political, family and public reputations.


“Indeed, as a female politician standing tall in the society, some persons must adverse me, but it should be in a concise manner, facts based than to weaken me insidiously


“While the allegations of hijacking FCT pilgrims slots is the writers’ imagination, because the official procedure adopted by organs responsible for Pilgrimage affairs cannot be subverted.


“Our preparations and ratings in the FCT Pilgrims Board while I was holding sway,  received positive commendations in the preceding years. After my departure from office my influence on the operations and its success is no more.  Even then I had to go out of my way to insist a better accommodation be provided when I became aware of the challenge faced by some of the Pilgrims in the past.




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