10 Unspoken Rules That Separate Men From Boys
10 Unspoken Rules That Separate Men From Boys
1. *Dress Well, No Matter the Occasion*
Always present yourself neatly and appropriately, regardless of the setting.
2. *Always Carry Cash*
Being prepared with cash can be beneficial in various situations.
3. *Listen, Nod, and Make Eye Contact*
Show engagement and respect during conversations by actively listening and maintaining eye contact.
4. *Show Restraint in Expressing Anger*
Keep your emotions in check; anger is often a waste of energy.
5. *Never Shake a Hand While Sitting Down*
Stand up to greet someone with a handshake as a sign of respect.
6. *Protect Those Behind You and Respect Those Beside You*
Look out for others and honor those who are in your vicinity.
7. *If You Are Not Invited, Don't Ask to Go*
Respect invitations and boundaries set by others.
8. *Never Make the First Offer in a Negotiation*
Hold back your initial offer to gain leverage.
9. *Don't Take Credit for Work You Didn't Do*
Acknowledge the contributions of others honestly.
10. *Never Insult the Cooking When You Are the Guest*
Be gracious and respectful to your hosts.
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