Ghetto kids, a well-known juvenile dance group from Uganda, thrilled the crowd at the 16th season of Britain's Got Talent on Saturday night with an incredible performance. Their enthusiastic and expertly choreographed dance astounded the judges and the audience. 


Six children, four boys and two girls, danced beautifully, leaving the audience awed by their impressive display. Aside from their performance, Ghetto Kids won over the crowd that night with their moving story. 


One of the children who was chosen from the Ugandan streets to introduce the group remarked, “Ghetto Kids is like an orphanage in Uganda. In one home, there are 30 of us. 


“Our entire family is this dance group”. I used to be a street dweller in Kampala. I've had countless opportunities because I'm a member of the Ghetto Kids. 

Midway through their performance, they accomplished a historic achievement and received a reward for their outstanding performance: the highly desired golden buzzer, causing the audience to scream in joy. 


Five-year-old Josephine received special recognition from the judges as the youngest participant. The youngsters' heartfelt dancing lit up the performance, and all the judges—Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and Bruno Tonioli—had nothing but praise for them. 


One of the judges, Mr. Cowell, was astounded by the kids' performance and praised the group. 


“This is an audition we will never forget, and it was fantastic. The focus of the program is to get the golden buzzer, and they got it. 


“Typically, the golden buzzer is pressed after the performance, but You performed outstandingly and got the golden buzzer while the confetti was thrown. 


Kavuma Dauda, the dance group's creator and manager, gave a speech before the youngsters' performance and discussed the group's inspiration. 


“I am responsible for 30 children. Others are orphans. To improve lives, we use drama, dance, and music. 


Amazingly, the video of their outstanding performance has gone viral online, garnering praise for the kids and their handlers from all over the world.


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