In a recent episode of “The House Chronicles,” hosted by the talented Jennie O, a former Big Brother Naija housemate, the spotlight shone on the world of music. Joining her as a guest was none other than the illustrious, multi-award-winning artist, Praiz. Together, they embarked on an engaging conversation, delving into the depths of musical creativity and the ever-evolving landscape of the industry. 

However, amidst the engaging discussions, the highlight of the day ignited a whirlwind of controversy. Jennie O made a statement that sparked a debate among fans and music enthusiasts alike. She expressed her opinion that Wizkid, despite his monumental success, is not a lyrically inclined artist. According to her, his recent album release showcased a deliberate choice to present only what he wishes his audience to hear. While acknowledging the validity of this approach, she emphasized the necessity for artistic growth and evolution. 


Praiz, a respected musician with an impressive career, shared his insight on the matter. He recalled the transition of another notable artist, Adekunle Gold, who successfully navigated a shift from love-focused music to a more diverse sound, exemplified with “AG Baby.” Praiz acknowledged the impact of Adekunle Gold's decision, emphasizing the importance of knowing one's artistic direction and having a dedicated team to support the transition. 


In their enlightening conversation, Praiz emphasized the significance of breaking free from the confines of the expected and venturing into unexplored territory. He passionately expressed that being an artist requires thinking outside the box and continually pushing boundaries to create something extraordinary. 


“The House Chronicles” podcast session left listeners captivated and craving more thought-provoking discussions. 



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