As a woman you must have noticed a discharge come out of your vagina. This is very normal.

A vaginal discharge is a clear whitish and sometimes sticky fluid that comes out of your vagina. This discharge helps clean your vagina, lubricates it and fights off disease causing bacteria. Vaginal discharge is normal but a change in the colour, amount, consistency or smell could indicate a disease or an infection.

What is normal vaginal discharge?

A normal vaginal discharge is clear, white or milky. It's consistency or texture can range from watery or sticky to thick and pasty. Vaginal discharge is often accompanied with smell but it shouldn't be strong or unpleasant. The amount of vaginal discharge varies from person to person, while some may produce a lot others produce little.

What are the different types of vaginal discharge?

Vaginal discharge is categorized based on colour and consistency.


This type of discharge is common, especially at the beginning or end of your menstrual cycle, and it is usually thick and sticky with no strong odor. If your discharge is white, but seems thicker than usual or causes itching, it may be a yeast infection.

Clear and watery

This discharge is mostly present when you're sexually aroused. You may also notice this discharge when you are ovulating or pregnant.

Clear and stretchy

A clear but stretchy or mucous like discharge,  indicates ovulation.

Brown or bloody

This kind of discharge can occur during or after your menstrual cycle. This is called spotting when you notice small amount of brown discharge in between your periods.
Brown or red discharge is usually related to irregular menstruation or pregnancy (implantation bleeding).
Spotting that occurs during the time of your period and after recent sex without a barrier or protection may be a sign of pregnancy.

Yellow grey or green

Yellow, grey or green discharge especially when it is thick and accompanied with a bad smell may suggest a bacterial or sexually transmitted infection (STI).

Note that a vaginal discharge that is chunky or foamy and accompanied with itching may indicate an infection. A fishy or foul smelling discharge accompanied with change in texture is indicative of vaginal infection

What are the changes to look out for?

An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge.

A change in the color of the discharge.

A change in texture or of the discharge.

A foul smelling or fishy odor.

Bleeding between periods.

Itching, burning, swelling or soreness around your vagina.

Pelvic pain.

When you notice these changes, see your health care provider.

What causes changes in  vaginal discharge?

In most cases infections can cause your vaginal discharge to change. Also during pregnancy, you produce more discharge because it helps protect you from infection.

How do you care for your vagina?

Using mild soap and water to gentle wash and clean your vulva(the area around your vagina and not your vagina itself). Your vagina keeps itself clean naturally with healthy bacteria.

Avoid using scented products that may cause irritation.

Don't douche or wash inside your vagina.

Drying the area around your vagina thoroughly.

Avoid wearing tight underwear for long periods of time.

Wipe your vagina from front to back. This prevents bacteria from your rectum getting into your vagina.

It is normal to have a vaginal discharge. It’s your vagina’s way of staying clean and healthy. You also shouldn’t use sprays, perfumes or douches to improve the smell of your vagina.


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