Have you tried different kinds of products just to have a beautiful skin and yet your efforts seems to not produce the desired results?
We normally get the wrong idea that how smooth and flawless one's skin is, is dependent on the products she uses on her skin.
Don't get me wrong, it is important you are mindful and vigilant on what products you use on your skin because to an extent such products do have effects on your skin positive or negative.
Did you know that what you eat largely affects how flawless your skin is?
What foods then should you consume for a healthy skin?
Fatty Fish
Such as Salmon, Mackerel. They provide your body with Omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary to help keep your skin supple and moisturized.
If you have a dry skin, it is most likely because Omega-3 is deficient in your body.
Fatty fish also provide your body with Vitamin E, a very important antioxidant that helps protect your skin against damage from free radicals.
Zinc, a macro mineral can also be gotten from fatty fish.
You cannot deny the availability, accessibility and affordability of this fruit. Avocados are rich in healthy fats that keeps your skin flexible and moisturized.
Also in Avocados are certain compounds that help protect your skin against damage from UV rays of the sun. Vitamin E is also gotten from avocados.
Vitamin C is also found in avocados and your skin uses this vitamin to produce collagen, a protein necessary for keeping your skin strong and healthy.
Red or Yellow Bell Peppers
They are used in cooking and can are not a hard to get vegetable.
They are an excellent source of beta carotene, a provitamin your body converts to Vitamin A.
They are also good sources of vitamin C.
Research has shown that women who consumed plenty of vitamin C to have a reduced risk wrinkled and dry skin with age.
Other foods you can eat for a healthy skin include; sweet potatoes, tomatoes, walnuts, dark chocolate, soy and of course water.
To have a flawless skin, you have to eat healthy.