We're Looking Into Abuja Estates Bought With Money-laundering Proceeds Says EFCC

An EFCC lawyer named Chris Mishela claimed that many of the country's new estates, particularly those in Abuja, were constructed with illegal funds while speaking at a media workshop in Benin, the capital of the Edo state.


"The sources of these funds are unlawful,” Mishela said.


“The funds are illegally gotten either from the government or from international crime and are laundered through real estate business.


"So, EFCC is actually working to look into that dimension and the new Money Laundering Act has provided an opening for the government to look into the aspect of real estate as we have seen under the Act.


“Real estate is one of the designated and non-designated professions that are also under our obligation, under the establishment to do a full disclosure.


“It is an investigation that is going on; not that we have identified any specific entity to these proceeds of crime, but we are working to unravel what those areas are.”


The EFCC claims that the workshop's purpose is to educate the public and media about the new anti-money laundering act's framework and their role in it.




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