We Don't Issue Horse Whips, Sticks to Policemen – Nigerian Police

Olumuyiwa Adejobi, the Force's Public Relations Officer, on Tuesday morning on his Official Twitter handle described the use of horse whips and sticks by some police officers as an act of indiscipline and inappropriate behaviour.

Olumuyiwa said that the police authorities do not issue horse whips and stick to officers and therefore asked Nigerians to report any police officer found using horse whips and sticks while on duty.

He said this on Tuesday morning on his Twitter handle describing the use of horse whips and sticks by some police officers as an act of indiscipline and inappropriate behaviour.

Olumuyiwa also questioned where the officers get the horsewhip and sticks as the police authorities only issue arms, batons and other approved accoutrements to officers.

The statement read, "We don't condone indiscipline and inappropriate behaviour. I have said severally that when you see policemen dress dirty or shabbily, it's not systemic but personal. If you see policemen with horse whips or sticks, it's not normal. Such a policeman is a bad egg.

"Police don't issue a horsewhip or stick to any of its personnel, so where did he get it? We issue arms and batons, and other approved accoutrements to our men. We condemn all these bad and unprofessional acts or attitudes.
"How can a policeman be beating someone with a horsewhip when we know it's not even proper to flog a child with a horsewhip, let alone a grown-up Nigerian? It's inhuman."


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