Breast cancer occurs when the cells in your breast grow out of control and divide in an uncontrolled way, creating a mass of tissue known as a tumor.
Just like any other cancers, breast cancer can invade into the tissues surrounding your breast and grow. It can also invade other parts of your body and form new tumors. When this happens, it is called metastasis.

How do you know you have breast cancer?

There are signs and symptoms to look out for to know whether or not you have breast cancer. They include;

Redness of your nipple or breast

Discharge from your nipple

A lump in your breast or your underarm

Changes in the size or shape of your breast

Your breast or nipple will appear inflamed, dimpled or puckered

Breast pain

Unusually firm breast

What causes breast cancer?

You develop breast cancer when abnormal cells in your breast divide and multiply. What causes the multiplication of abnormal cells however is unknown. But there are factors that predisposes one to breast cancer;

Age: Being 55 years or older

Sex: Women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than men

Familiar predisposition: if a close relative, a parent or sibling suffers from breast cancer, you are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

Smoking; the use of tobacco has been traced to increasing a person's chance of developing breast cancer and other cancers

Alcohol:Excess alcohol consumption increases your chances of developing breast cancer

Obesity and overweight

Radiation exposure: Exposure to radiation predisposes you to breast cancer especially if the radiation was to your head, neck and chest.

Breast cancer occurrence is not limited to women of age 50 and above, but can occur at any age.


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