The use of family planning methods is not a new subject matter. There are so many methods of family planning including oral contraceptives, injection, implants, condoms, vasectomy, bilateral tubal ligation (BTL) etc. Our focus today is oral contraceptives.

A lot of individuals employ the use of birth control pills ranging from couples for the purpose of child spacing (family planning) to single women for prevention of pregnancy and other women to help with irregular,  heavy or painful periods, endometriosis, and acne.

Oral contraceptive pill is a hormonal means of preventing pregnancy. It acts by inhibiting production of a matured egg or ovum for the sperm to fertilize. Without the egg, fertilization cannot occur, resulting in no pregnancy.

There are two types of oral contraceptives; combination oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone, and progestin only contraceptive containing only progestin.

What are the side effects?

As useful as oral contraceptives are, some side effects have been discovered. The side effects vary widely among individuals. They are:

Spotting between periods: this is vaginal bleeding that occurs between menstrual cycles. It is usually light in colour or may be a brownish discharge. Spotting has no negative effect on the woman so when you experience this know that it is normal.

Breast tenderness: the hormones in oral contraceptives can make your breasts grow bigger and also increases your breast sensitivity. You can reduce the tenderness by wearing a supportive bra.
However if you notice breast tenderness is accompanied by severe breast pain or changes in your breast, see your doctor.

Mood changes. Changes in hormone levels can affect a person's mood

Missed period. Oral contraceptives due to the hormones it contains can cause light periods or missed periods altogether. That is to say you can take birth control pills to skip a period depending on the type.

Possible weight gain. Research have found no association between the use of birth control pills and weight gain. Some individuals however have experienced fluid retention especially in the breast and hip while taking oral contraceptives



Changes in vaginal discharge

Though birth control pills are safe for most females, it's  usage is linked with certain risks. It is therefore necessary to check and discuss your individual risk factors before taking birth control pills.

Potential health problems associated with oral contraceptives include:

Cardiovascular health problems such as heart attack, stroke.

Cancer. Oral contraceptives can affect your risk of developing certain cancers like Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer.

Should I abstain from oral contraceptives?

Before taking oral contraceptives, your medical history, family medical history must be known. Knowledge of your health history will determine your likelihood of developing these side effects.

Normally birth control pills affects one's hormones which can lead to side effects. The side effects resolves usually within 2-3 months, but can persists in some cases which should be reported to a health care provider as soon as possible.


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