Shallipopi, the renowned artist, has once again captivated the airwaves with his latest track, “Ex-convict.” This song breaks through conventional boundaries, blending an infectious beat with thought-provoking lyrics that delve into the realities of life and redemption.
In his distinctive style, Shallipopi opens the song with an energetic proclamation, asserting his identity and commanding attention. He weaves his words skillfully, painting a vivid picture of a life impacted by past mistakes and the pursuit of a brighter future. The phrase “Eru no go dey" reverberates, symbolizing the desire for freedom from adversity and a fresh start.
Shallipopi's wordplay and lyrical prowess shine as he describes the consequences of wrong choices and the determination to overcome them. “Clear road make them leave am for me" represents the path he forges to reclaim his life and reputation. The mention of money underscores the drive for success and the need to settle debts owed, emphasizing the importance of financial independence.
The artist's journey is portrayed as a gradual transformation, with Shallipopi using the metaphor of bending a Benz to convey his resilience and adaptability. The lyrics illustrate the process of growth and self-discovery, as he learns from his experiences and emerges stronger.
Intriguingly, Shallipopi touches on the harsh realities of incarceration, offering a glimpse into life behind bars. The line “Hope say you mount up sha cause no joy inside there” reflects the somber atmosphere and the longing for freedom. The reference to confirming Bitcoin transactions hints at the pursuit of financial stability and the importance of wise investments.