Sarkodie's latest track titled “Try Me Raw” serves as a response to Yvonne Nelson's book “I am not Yvonne Nelson” and the alleged abortion she claimed to have had for him. In this song, Sarkodie addresses the allegations and expresses his perspective on the situation. 


The song starts with Sarkodie acknowledging the accusations made against him, questioning why Yvonne Nelson would make such claims and accusing her of seeking attention. He emphasizes that she cannot selectively choose what to reveal and play the victim while hiding other aspects of her past relationships. 


Sarkodie denies the existence of a serious relationship between them and claims that he thought Yvonne Nelson was cool until he realized her intentions. He states that he tried to distance himself from her, but she persisted in her pursuit. He also mentions that he never believed her claim of pregnancy and abortion, as he had advised her to keep it and seek medical help if needed. 


Throughout the song, Sarkodie highlights his disbelief and frustration with the situation. He emphasizes that he was not the one pushing for an abortion and rejects any responsibility for the alleged incident. He also questions Yvonne Nelson's motives, implying that she may have had ulterior motives for writing the book and generating controversy. 


In conclusion, Sarkodie's “Try Me Raw” is a direct response to Yvonne Nelson's book, addressing the allegations she made against him regarding an alleged abortion. The song expresses his disbelief, frustration, and desire to set the record straight, while also questioning the intentions behind the accusations.


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