A man adds 7 inches to his height through a $100K leg-lengthening surgery and says he has no regrets.

We all have physical features that we wish we could change, whether it's our height, weight, or facial features. For Brian Sanchez, a 33-year-old mortgage broker, it was his height that was making him unhappy. Being only 6-feet-tall, he felt that his legs were too short for his body, making everything else look disproportionate.

After sitting next to his much taller brother-in-law, Brian realized that his legs were the main cause of his discomfort. He felt that his legs looked weird and were making him look different from others. So, he decided to take action and embarked on a journey to increase his height by seven inches by undergoing a leg-lengthening surgery.

The surgery, which was performed in Turkey, cost Brian over $100,000. The procedure involved breaking his legs in four places, followed by the insertion of a telescopic rod, which was lengthened every day gradually. The process took almost four agonizing months, with Brian in a wheelchair for the last three of those months.

While the surgery was successful, and Brian is now the desired height, his legs are still sore and will obviously never be the same again.


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