I will quit after five years - Basketmouth

Bright Okpocha aka Basketmouth; comedian and actor, has made it known to the public in an interview that he would be taking a bow from stage after five years.

He said this during his on air session with Hitz FM. The veteran comedian said “For the past six years, I have just been floating. Last year, I told myself and my team that when I am coming back to comedy, I am going to do five years and I am quitting. I am quitting in five years I have got just five years to go with this and I am done.

He further explained that he planned his life to stop when he clocks 50 which is due in 5 years as he do not want to be remembered as a comedian only, he wants to explore more. 

“I have made enough. I would not say that I have made enough but I have committed myself to the art long enough to say, ‘take a break or quit and whatever you do from now till the end of time it is just you having fun’. I am into TV right now — movies, series concerts and production. I want to start a new journey, I want to experience something new. After five years I would have spent 31 years in the game. That is a lot of time and pretty much more than half of my life. I want to do something else and be remembered for something other than comedy.”



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