Speedy Darlington, a singer, went on social media to explain why he didn't want to have children. The artist, who is renowned for being frank and outspoken, discussed why he has decided against having children and emphasized the significant responsibility and difficulties involved in parenting.

 He admitted that his mother had raised him throughout his own youth. He explained how challenging it had been for her to leave him, highlighting the work and sacrifice she had to make.


A child is a responsibility, that Speedy Darlington admitted,  he wasn't sure he was ready for. He understood that making the commitment would change his life and that he wasn't sure he could.

It's interesting to note that the artist did make one exception to his philosophy on having kids. The urge for people to leave a lasting legacy was this. The thought of leaving behind a piece of himself as a legacy has crossed his thoughts, even if he is still wary of the difficulties of raising a child.


"I would prefer a village girl" Speedy Darlington admits, that well-educated, wealthy women turn him off.


Speedy Darlington, a rapper and comedian, reportedly stated on his social media platform that he preferred village girls  to wealthy and educated women. He had fervently defended village girls in a video.

Darlington has said that what men look for in a woman might not match what women find attractive in a man. While women might want spouses who are intelligent, successful, and worldly, he had noted that males might have different objectives. In fact, he had acknowledged that successful women turn him off.


He went on to say  that if he asks a lady what she contributes to the table and she says that she is intelligent, well-traveled, and wealthy, he is immediately turned off.

He concluded by stating that he preferred village girls and that was not what he was looking for.


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