Your body is you. The physical form and function of your body is regulated to a large extent by your genetic information. However your external environment and your behaviours have their roles to play in the proper functioning of your body.

To better care for your body, it is best you understand how your body works.

Your body comprises of different systems that perform specific functions necessary for life.

The circulatory system which consists of the heart and blood vessels carry blood, oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and hormones around your body. And each of these have their specific functions and roles in your body.

The oxygen you take in and the carbon dioxide you expel is possible because of your respiratory system, which does this via a process called respiration. The nose, mouth, trachea, diaphragm and lungs make up the respiratory system.

The food you eat is broken down, absorbed and waste product removed by your body via your digestive system. Your mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines as well as your rectum and anus are part of the digestive system.

Your endocrine system helps to regulate balance in your body and coordinate various body processes such as regulation of temperature, blood sugar levels, metabolism through a network of glands that secrete hormones into your bloodstream.

Your immune system is your body's defense against bacteria and other microorganisms that may be harmful.

Perception of impulses and the appropriate response is controlled by your nervous system. The nervous system also controls your voluntary and involuntary actions.

The musculoskeletal system, (sometimes separately referred to as the muscle system and the skeletal system) is composed of the skeletal muscles and about 206 bones. This system moves the body and protects its internal organs.

The body's ability to reproduce is by the reproductive system of both male and female, and this ensures continuation of specie. While the male reproductive system consist of the penis and testes that produces sperm, the female reproductive system includes the vagina, uterus and the ovaries which produce eggs.

The excretory system removes toxic nitrogenous compounds and other wastes from your body. It consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra.

Your skin also called the integumentary system protects you from foreign body invasion. It is the first line of defense against pathogens, helps to regulate your body temperature, eliminates waste products through perspiration and prevents water loss.

What can I do to ensure my body functions properly?

Your body systems are always working to keep you healthy and living. You have just one body, so it is important you take care of it. Now you know how your body works, there are things you must do for your overall health.

Stay hydrated
Hydration helps your blood travel freely, while dehydration makes your blood thicker and more difficult to detoxify. This can make toxins build up and affect your kidneys and liver.

Eating healthy

Physical activity/Exercise
This helps to increase muscle strength, decrease blood pressure and check body weight.

Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption

Maintain a normal sugar level

Always go for regular check up
See your health-care provider if you think something is wrong.


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