AY Makun's sister-in-law, Grace Makun, has provided a harrowing glimpse into the aftermath of a devastating fire accident that recently befell the residence of the renowned comedian. In a shared video, the extent of the destruction becomes shockingly apparent, painting a somber picture of the ravaged property. 


Reports of the fire outbreak first emerged on a Sunday, revealing the swift and destructive path it cut through AY Makun's home. The blaze, said to have caused substantial damage to valuable properties worth millions of Naira, understandably raised concerns for the safety of AY Makun and his family. 


Promptly responding to the worries of his fans, AY Makun put their minds at ease by disclosing that his family had already sought refuge in the United States and would soon be reuniting. Nonetheless, the visual evidence offered by the video showcased the grim reality left behind by the flames: scorched walls, remnants of personal belongings reduced to charred fragments, and the unsettling presence of firefighters assessing the situation. 


Grace Makun's emotional social media post underscored the gravity of the incident. With a deep sense of gratitude, she expressed relief that AY Makun and his family had been spared from the perilous fire. 


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