Former Big Brother Naija contestant, Kiddwaya, made a startling revelation about a domestic staff member at his family's house. He commended the worker who had taken millions of Naira from his billionaire father, Terry Waya. Kiddwaya revealed that the cleaner, who was from his home state of Benue, had taken a considerable sum of money from their Abuja residence and used it to build his home in Benue. The reality star was amazed that the staff member had sensibly put the embezzled money to good use.
Kiddwaya retold the episode to his followers during an Instagram live stream, sharing the details with his fans , saying ;
“I have got this cleaner in my house in Nigeria; Abuja. He is from Benue State because I like to hire people from my home state.
“So, as my dad was travelling. Obviously, we keep cash in our house. He [my dad] realised some dollars were missing. Only for us to find out that it was this guy from my own state that has been stealing for about a year little by little.
“The guy stole enough money to build a house in his state. Now, two things, I’m slightly impressed that he actually invested the money into something that is going to benefit him and his family. For that reason I’m not upset.â€
However, Kiddwaya expressed his disappointment that the individual who had been stealing from them turned out to be a fellow Tiv from Benue State.