Federal Government to Restructure All Government Colleges in Nigeria

The Federal Government has announced plans to restructure the 115 Federal Unity Colleges (FUCs) in Nigeria into basic and secondary schools. This was revealed by the Minister of State for Education, Dr. Yusuf Sununu, during the Annual General Meeting of Unity College Principals in Abuja on Tuesday, September 17.

Sununu stated that this initiative aligns with the National Policy on Education (NPE). He explained that unbundling the Federal Unity Colleges would help attract additional funding to enhance infrastructure, improve teacher welfare, and create job opportunities.

He emphasized the importance of cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit among youth, which will encourage self-reliance and contribute to national development. "Unemployment is a significant issue, and it is our shared duty to equip students with the skills and mindset needed for success. Entrepreneurship education can address this challenge by preparing students to think creatively, innovate, and develop the confidence to take calculated risks," he said.


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