Gifty Powers, known from her appearance on Big Brother Naija (season two), joyfully shared the arrival of her third child, a baby boy, through an Instagram post. Celebrating this milestone, she expressed her gratitude, acknowledging the one-year journey that had brought her to this point. Gifty mentioned the emotional moments she experienced after her son's birth, tearfully patting him to sleep, a testament to her sense of accomplishment in her personal growth. 


Reflecting on her life's ups and downs, Gifty recognized the significance of her choices and the people she surrounds herself with in shaping her future. She emphasized the power of these decisions, a notion she found to be true. Motherhood, Gifty described, is both a rewarding and challenging responsibility, one she embraced with all her heart, cherishing every aspect of the journey, and wouldn't alter it for anything. 


Gifty's transformation from her experiences to her present reality could fill volumes, but she held a deep appreciation for all the twists and turns that had led her to this moment. Sharing a touch of humor, she mentioned her pregnancy-induced facial and feet swelling, reflecting on the humbling aspects of pregnancy. She concluded her post by revealing a candid picture of herself, humorously referring to it as a reminder of the humbling effects of pregnancy. In this heartfelt message, Gifty celebrated the arrival of her third child while reflecting on her journey through motherhood and the transformative power of her choices.


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