Electional Aid in Cross River State

Today being Thursday 16th Day of March 2023, the gubernatorial candidates of All Progressive Congress(APC) and Peoples Demorcratic Party (PDP)  Senator Prince Bassey Edet Otu fondly call The sweet Prince and Sen. Prof Sandy Onor Senator Representating Cross River Central Senarial District have provided the Masses free transportation fare to the Northern part of Cross River State which consist of Obudu, Obanliku, obubra, bekwara. Also some part in the Southern Senatorial District like Bakassi and Akpabuyo to aid them to fulfil their mandate of franchise.


Earlier this morning at about 8:30 some  members of the jori were given the assistance. The transportation was really not for everyone but for those who have evidence of Voting. The majority of people who opt in the offer were mostly Students and some Civil Servants. 


They Various pickup location were, The Caterpillar campaign Center by Access Bank Marian Calabar and NNPC filling station. 


Many people who saw this were happy for the development and say it should be continued not only for elections but from time to time to aid commuters especially students who always have to journey afar to School.



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