In an exciting turn of events, Ayodeji Arojo, an individual who is a public transportation professional, who believes in supporting and uplifting Nigerians has made an incredible offer to Chef Damilola Adeparusi. The aspiring record-breaker, who attempted to set the record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual with a 120-hour cooking session, has been offered a remarkable opportunity. Arojo took to his Facebook account on Monday to announce his generous gesture.
Accompanying the announcement were captivating pictures of Chef Dammy passionately engaged in her marathon cooking endeavour. Arojo's post conveyed his enthusiasm as he wrote, “Chef Dammy will be invited for a 2-week cook tour in the United States. I can't wait for her to start the process! Yayyyy.â€
This unexpected offer promises an extraordinary experience for Chef Dammy as she continues her remarkable journey in the culinary world. The opportunity to embark on a two-week cooking tour in the United States is bound to be an enriching and memorable experience. The chance to explore the diverse culinary landscape of the United States will undoubtedly broaden her horizons, expose her to new techniques and flavours, and provide invaluable inspiration for her future endeavours.
As the news spreads, supporters and followers flooded social media with exciting messages coupled with Chef Dammy's confirmation of it unfolding gratefulness for this exciting chapter in her culinary career.