Woman in Viral Video Breaks Down as Pop Ceiling Collapses and Damages Her Belongings

POP ceilings can collapse due to the following reasons:
1. Poor Installation: Incorrect or substandard installation can cause POP to collapse. It is advised that clients engage POP professionals.
2. Low Quality Material: POP can fall when the quality of the materials is compromised. This might occur due to the installer's greed or the client purchased cheap materials themselves trying to minimize cost.
3. Water Exposure: Exposure to water from leaks in the roof or plumbing can weaken the POP, as it is highly susceptible to moisture. Over time, this can cause the ceiling to sag and eventually collapse. Be aware that the POP often shows signs of wetness and cracks for a long period of time before it actually collapses.
4. Consistent Vibrations from the Roof:
According to the video, it can be seen that the POP was installed on a decked roof. Vibrations from the space directly above a decked roof where POP is installed could be a significant cause of collapse. For instance, if the space above it is a kitchen where the user pounds yam with a mortar or as a gym where heavy gym equipment can suddenly fall from it user, or as viewing center which is usually overcrowded.
These vibrations can cause the POP to lose its firmness, crack and eventually fall.


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