The Pivotal Decision of Apple Co-Founder Ronald Wayne

In 1976, Ronald Wayne, a co-founder of Apple, made a choice that has sparked much debate about what might have been in business history. After just 12 days with the company, he sold his 10% share for $800, stepping away from what would eventually grow into a multi-trillion-dollar corporation. Today, that stake is estimated to be worth around $345 billion. Wayne had legitimate concerns at the time, particularly regarding the financial risks during Apple's early stages. As the only partner with personal assets on the line and uncertainty about the company's ability to repay its loans, his cautious decision was a matter of self-preservation. While many see his choice as a lost opportunity, Wayne has no regrets, often mentioning that the stress of remaining with Apple could have negatively impacted his health. Now at 90 years old, he enjoys a happy retirement.


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