Dr. @SalamGueye provides expert guidance on this important public health issue

Understanding Mpox: Symptoms, Transmission, and Risk Factors

Symptoms of Mpox
Mpox, previously known as monkeypox, presents with several key symptoms, including:

- *Fever:* Often one of the first signs, accompanied by chills.
- *Headache:* A common early symptom that can vary in intensity.
- *Muscle Aches:* Generalized body aches and fatigue.
- *Swollen Lymph Nodes:* This is a distinguishing feature compared to other similar viral infections.
- *Rash:* Typically appears within 1-3 days after fever onset, starting as flat lesions that develop into raised bumps, then blisters, and eventually scabs.

Mpox spreads through several routes:

- *Direct Contact:* Close physical contact with infected individuals, including touching rashes or bodily fluids.
- *Respiratory Droplets:* Prolonged face-to-face contact can facilitate transmission through respiratory droplets.
- *Contaminated Objects:* Sharing items like bedding or clothing that have been in contact with an infected person can also spread the virus.

Who is Most at Risk?
Certain populations are at higher risk for mpox, including:

- *Individuals with Close Contact:* Those living with or caring for someone infected.
- *Healthcare Workers:* Especially those not following proper infection control measures.
- *Travelers to Endemic Areas:* People visiting regions where mpox is more prevalent.
- *Immunocompromised Individuals:* Those with weakened immune systems may experience more severe symptoms.

Understanding the symptoms and transmission methods of mpox is crucial for prevention and control. Awareness of at-risk populations can help in implementing effective health measures.

Video credit : @whoafro


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