For the fourth consecutive month, China's exports have decreased as the "world's factory" battles sluggish domestic and international demand.

According to government data, imports decreased 7.3% in August and exports declined 8.8%.

Even yet, the decreases were better than the previous month and not as bad as anticipated.

China is dealing with a number of post-pandemic issues, such as a real estate crisis and low consumer expenditure.

Following the coronavirus outbreak and the current trade conflict with the US, there has been a decline in worldwide demand for products created in China. It is significantly affecting a crucial driver of economic expansion for the nation.


In the year to the end of July, according to a recent study by the US Census Bureau, China's percentage of US goods imports fell to its lowest level since 2006.

14.6% of all imported commodities during that time period came from China. This is a decrease from the peak of 21.8% seen in the year ending in March 2018, before Donald Trump, who was then the president, intensified the US-China trade war.


The real estate sector in China is also experiencing a severe downturn as some of the largest developers are having financial difficulties.

Beijing has thus far refrained from implementing a significant stimulus program to stimulate the economy. 

Instead, it has chosen to implement a number of policies in recent months to support individuals and businesses.

The nation's central bank has lowered loan rates, and Beijing has declared plans to permit a dozen of the nation's largest cities to lower the minimum down payment requirements for purchasers. Additionally, lenders have been urged to lower interest rates on existing mortgages.


Other initiatives, such as raising the personal income tax deduction for children's education and lowering the levy on share trading, have also been announced.

The Chinese state-run daily The Global Times published an article on its English-language website prior to the release of the trade numbers criticizing derogatory remarks made about the nation's economy by Western politicians and media.

Although the economy has some obstacles and problems as a result of the impact of the global economic recession, it is true that the Chinese economy is well on the path to recovery with an increasingly strong innovation and green development momentum, it was stated.


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